B2B Banknote Solutions
Are you in the cash-processing industry with your own uniqueness to show off to the world?
Are you suffering from meeting the various customer requirements about the local currency, despite your uniqueness?
Whoever you are and whatever you have, we can help you to meet those various, unpredictable customer requirements of each nation.
With 20+ years experience to support 80+ nations banknotes, the collaboration with us will help you focus on your core competencies and forget about countless kinds of, ever-changing banknotes.

SNR (Serial Number Reading) - SW
We have OCR technologies to capture serial number images and decode them to text information.
Optimized for banknotes' serial number, our solution can give super fast, correct response, irrespective of any platform (OS, CPU, CIS, etc).
Solutions for both low resolution (lower than 100 dpi) and high resolution (higher than 200dpi )are available.
It is usually given as a DLL file, which SW developer can easily integrate into their SW.

SNR (Serial Number Comparison) - SW
Some customers want to detect a composite note, which is made of two different genuine notes, and thus has different serial numbers.
To do that, you need to decode two serial numbers of a banknote and compare them.
Optimized for banknotes' serial number comparison, our solution can give super fast, correct response, irrespective of any platform (OS, CPU, CIS, etc).
Solutions for both low resolution (lower than 100 dpi) and high resolution (higher than 200dpi )are available.
It is usually given as a DLL file, which SW developer can easily integrate into their SW.

Banknote Validation - SW
Some customers do have HW to collect necessary information for the banknote validation but have no SW to analyze it to decide attributes of the banknote (its currency, denomination, direction, fitness and genuine/counterfeit).
Banknote Validation SW needs to accumulate ample data to improve the validation quality.
With 20+ year data accumulation, our banknote validation SW can provide superior validation result from the given image data and other counterfeit detecting sensor signals (Infra-red, ultra-violet, magnetic signal, thickness sensor, etc)
Our solution can give super fast, correct response, irrespective of any platform (OS, CPU, CIS, etc).
Solutions for both low resolution (lower than 100 dpi) and high resolution (higher than 200dpi )are also available.
It is usually given as a DLL file, which SW developer can easily integrate into their SW.

Banknote Validator - HW, SW
Some customers may need both validation HW/SW module.
Thanks to our 20 years of experience in the design and development of validating modules for banknote, our validating module enables the reliable recognition, authentication, sorting and/or classification of nearly all banknotes and checks worldwide according to the regulations of central banks.
The provided features are:
- Fitness qualification
- Simultaneous, fast and reliable processing of several currencies and denominations on the same sensor
- Available as an “all-in-one “solution or single feature validation e.g. serial number reading, serial number comparison, fitness sorting, tape detection, etc
- Easy Currency configuration
- Available for feeding directions Long Edge First

Banknote Counter Type Validator - HW, SW
Some customers want to use our banknote counter as their bill validator module.
Successfully validated banknotes go to the stacker (escrow) and drop down to the safe, whereas unsuccessful ones go to the reject pocket.
With this solution, it does not need to implement any hopper, rejector, stacker mechanism.This solution assumes to have an external banknote-moving mechanism.
All you have to do is just designing your own escrow, safe and PC SW customized for your customers' needs.

Depositor - HW, SW
Do you have a customer and SW resource for the customization, but does not own any HW?
We can still help you.
With our Depositor, you can have a base on which you can develop SW for your customer.
With this solution, you do not need to implement any hopper, rejector, stacker mechanism as well as a safe.
All you have to do is just designing your own PC SW customized for your customers' needs.
Contact us to start a more detailed discussion.